Rising dog obesity rates are a major concern. Achieve safe, sustained dog weight loss.

Why is it important to reduce dog obesity?

Dog obesity negatively impacts dogs and their caregivers: obese dogs experience pain [1] and may be less interactive and responsive with their people, limiting the human-animal bond [2-3].

Findings from a 3-month non-randomized controlled study*

Greater, safe cumulative weight change

  • 90% of all participating dogs lost weight.

  • Mean cumulative weight change as percentage of initial weight was 279% higher among the experiment cohort compared to the control.

Larger, safe reduction in body condition score

  • % of all participating dogs decreased in body condition score.

  • Change in dog waist circumference (cm) was approximately 515% higher among experiment cohort participants compared to the control.

Caregivers found approaches very convenient

  • Among experiment cohort dog owners/caregivers, 62% rated approaches as “Extremely convenient.”

  • The remaining 38% rated approaches as “Very convenient.”

*Study was approved by Human Ethical Review and Veterinary Ethical Review Committees. Copyright © 2020-2023 C Plus B LLC. All rights reserved.

1. APOP, 2023. Leland: APOP.

2. German, et al. (2012a). Vet J. 192(1). 65-70. Vet. J. 192(1). 65-70.

3. German, et al. (2012b). Vet J. 192. 428-434.